What is a pledge?

A pledge is a commitment by you to give a stated amount to St. Philip’s for the following year.  It can be paid at any rate that works for you—weekly, monthly, quarterly or annually.


My income varies, so how do I calculate how much to pledge?

A pledge is your commitment to be in support of your church. While income is not always predictable, a pledge is an indication of what you would like to commit. If your income is unexpectedly increased or reduced, you may always contact the church to adjust your pledge accordingly.


How much does St. Philip’s receive from the Episcopal Church?

St. Philip's receives no money from the diocese or the Episcopal Church for our operating budget.   In fact, St. Philip’s makes an annual tithe, ten percent of our budget, to support the Diocese of Michigan and wider church.  St. Philip’s has benefited from loans and grants from the diocese that are used for capital projects.


I understand St. Philip’s prefers that I make a pledge rather than putting money in the plate each Sunday – why?

Quite simply, St. Philip’s can rely on your pledge as predictable income – whether you happen to be at church that Sunday or not. This enables us to accurately budget for the coming year’s expenses in all that we are called to do.  If you can automate your pledge payments, that is even better.  There is also a spiritual benefit to stepping out in faith by making a generous pledge.


What is an appropriate pledge?

The Episcopal Church has consistently lifted up the tithe (10%) as the standard for Christian giving, but your pledge is between you and God.  Many people find that by using proportional giving, they can gradually increase their giving.  


What is Proportional Giving?

Proportional giving involves setting aside a percentage of your income to the work of St. Philip’s as one of your highest priorities. Amounts below show annual Income and monthly income and different percentages you can pledge.


How do I make a pledge?

We encourage you to join with the rest of our community on our Ingathering Sunday in November and bring your pledge to the altar that day.  If you will be absent that day, feel free to mail in your pledge or use our new online pledge form.


What about online giving?

Online giving is easy at St. Philip's.  You can designate your gift to pay all or part of your pledge, or to make memorial gifts, altar flower memorials or to contribute to the discretionary fund which Fr. Eric uses to help those in need.  Online giving is found here.